What a year! Both February and March each felt like an entire year. Last year is but a vague memory, although we are only four months into 2020.

2020 will go down in history as the year of cognitive dissonance – living a life beyond anything imaginable in a horror movie, and not being able to tell fact from fiction.

This is how I see the rest of 2020 playing out, in short:


April 2020

Today is the 12th of April as I write.

This month the theme is authority, power, finances, karma. We are being asked to question authority: how we react to it, how we wield it, and how we succumb to it when we should be stepping into our own strength and using our own judgement.

Finances will be on everyone’s mind.

Self-worth is very important. We are rewarded financially based on what we think we are worth. Do not give anyone else the power or authority to dictate or decide this for you.

We are being asked to acknowledge that past decisions have brought us all to this point in time, and that present decisions will set up the future.

I wrote a blog about the concept of “karma”, should you want to understand more about this concept playing out around us right now in April.


You will also find the Universal Spiritual Laws, governed by the number 8, the “as above, so below” number, at the bottom of the following page:


Guard against anger and revenge. Being in close confines with others this month could be testing to say the least.


May 2020

May is about letting go, non-judgement, forgiveness of self and others, healing, and unconditional love. Something will be coming to an end this month. It could be the world as we know it, or lock down, or systems, or acquaintances or work and income. Whatever it is, let it go and trust that it will make space for something better.

May is a month to declutter and let go:


    • Bless those in need with clothes, blankets, and food that you may not need. Help with school fees, medical expenses, or anything else necessary in your family and community.
    • An extra laptop or iPad and payment of internet connectivity could help a family connect children to online schooling.
    • Give your house a spring cleaning and move furniture and rooms around.



    • Perhaps you are grieving over lost family and friends, or the loss of a lifestyle or income. Find someone to chat to, and a safe space to cry and work through whatever is heavy on your heart.



    • You may find yourself questioning the truth and find that you have been lied to by people or institutions you have trusted. This creates mental turmoil and you may be disillusioned, hurt and angry – both at yourself and others.



    • We are in the time of “The Great Awakening”. Ask yourself if your spiritual belief system meets the criteria of doing no harm, being non-judgemental and inclusive vs exclusive. Any “us and them” scenario is divisive.
    • Question whether you truly believe and are still aligned to your religion or spiritual beliefs, or whether you are in the “herd mentality”.


June 2020

This month denotes new beginnings and new drive. Perhaps the world will be returning to work, or new systems and laws will be put into place. It may have a few false starts, or “going back to the drawing board” scenarios, as new maps of uncharted waters are drawn.

This is a month to set new goals. It is a month for action.


July 2020

Many will break through into higher vibrations, and find they are no longer anchored in the dense vibrations that started 2020.

Inspiration may come unexpectedly. You may be inspired to get to work quickly to turn it into a reality. This means getting to work to plan and budget and get a modus operandi in place.

We may see spiritual groups or cults inspired to do a few crazy things, firmly believing that they are doing it for some greater good.

New movements and collaborations will see the light.

The world will be in a sensitive space, some treading on eggs around others, very aware of not upsetting the peace and balance. Many negotiations, treaties and agreements will be written into new laws or contracts.

There should be a space for arbitration, mediation, and negotiation between parties. This will be needed to clear the air. Labour laws and the CCMA will probably dominate the news, and political parties and religious organisations may want to assert themselves again.


August 2020

Gender issues will arise as women will no longer stand down.

Mental health will be of vital importance, so keep an eye on those around you.

People may begin to socialise more and find that many situations have become hollow and meaningless. Old circles of friends may begin to feel superficial.

This is a good month to lose yourself in a creative project around the home or in the garden. Online courses are also a good option, as you may find your interests have changed this year or that you no longer want to continue in your current profession.


September 2020

We will be tested to the limit. This is the all-time low point of 2020.

“Normal” will be questioned. People on all levels will be affected. Finances will be at a low point for many, and some may think there is no way to recover. Many may question if they still want to stay…

It is a time to set up new routines and budgets and to make new plans. It is also time to develop new habits around exercise and eating, with a focus on a healthy lifestyle.

In the southern hemisphere spring gardens will be transformed into mini farms. I think ornamental plants and lawns will make way for vegetable gardens. The earth may surprise with many plant- and animal species rejuvenating.

Families may be renovating their homes or shifting living spaces around to accommodate extra family members so that costs are shared until people get on their feet again. Or perhaps they will be turning a section of the home into a granny flat that can be rented out.

Girls will be questioning the relevance of bringing children into this world, and the debate on abortion may surface again.

Please be vigilant and keep an eye on people in your community. On the bright side, though, it is also a time for miracles.


October 2020

This month feels quite manic. Up one minute and down the next.

Travel and VISA’s will be in the spotlight. Air travel specifically.

Expect the unexpected. Be ready to be flexible and make changes and adapt where necessary. Those who want to stay stuck or return to the “old normal” will have a hard time. Change is the order of the month. Many will change direction and find they no longer find fulfilment in old careers.

A lawlessness might abound. Nature may join the party with earthquakes and other destructive scenarios. I see shootings, explosions, screaming, fires, and accidents.

Many wise people will step forward, and the world may be ready to listen with open minds. Those of us in alternative healing or occult practices will come more into our own. New books will be published, of which the content could be quite shocking.

Business on the internet will undergo a change. Import and export and trading in general will feature. This may interfere with drug trading and cause disruption in unforeseen ways.

Lies, lies, and more lies… Con artists, scams…

New knowledge will surface regarding drugs and vaccines.

Arrests will be made, and correctional services will be in the limelight.


November 2020

Here comes the start of the baby boom! Babies born in this 11th month, the only month of the year which has a master number vibration, will likely possess heightened intuition and psychic abilities. Being super-sensitive, they need a calm environment. These babies will need gentle nurturing, as they will be wide open to all that is going on around them. Keep a night light on and play soothing music to help them sleep at night. Research immunisation carefully and make informed decisions in this regard.

Family and children will be a concern this month, as will education. There may be a lot of worry attached to children and schooling, as well as to teaching methods. I think educators and parents alike will be asking many questions regarding the future of education.

Many parents may have the responsibility of children at this time, especially if jobs were lost, and may be feeling the urge to run from responsibility. It will be a tug-of-war between freedom and responsibility.

I expect the focus will be hugely on alternative housing and teaching the skills necessary to erect/build these.


December 2020

December is a 16/7-month energy. The word “exam” adds up to 16, and so I suspect many will be writing exams until very late into December this year, so it may be a month of intense studying for many.

December is a month of possible divorces and affairs. This may lead to crimes of passion and feelings of abandonment. Fraud in companies may be prevalent, as people try desperately to salvage financial losses. Any dishonesty will lead to discovery and a fall from grace.

I have a feeling there may be many abandoned babies, so please keep your eyes and ears open.

Plenty of alcohol will flow during December, and this could lead to accidents and domestic violence. It will be a month of deep thinking, and probably a sombre festive/holiday season. The focus will shift heavily to the meaning of life and purpose. Many will feel out of sorts. Spiritual or religious practices that were once joyful, trusted, and familiar, may feel empty and hollow.

This will be a month of reflection and processing after a year that will leave many totally bewildered and lost.

In closing, please keep an eye on family, friends, and neighbours. It will be a difficult year, and many may need a helping hand or perhaps even intervention. Maintain the 20/20 vision and do not turn a blind eye to anyone in need. Ignoring a situation because it is “none of your business” is not the solution. Be the help that you would want in times of great sorrow and pain.

If we stand together, great things can be accomplished in 2020. Our choices this year will shape the future of the world.


If you have not yet read my blog on 2020, written on 4 December 2019, here is the link:




In love,
